Even though the Entrepreneurship and Innovation Centre is still in its establishment and organisational phase, there are already several significant implementing projects, out which we point out the following:
- Realisation of the employee training programme for the wood processing companies in the Central BiH region (jointly with REZ Zenica), together with the Centre of Wood Excellence, for the purpose of the Federal Ministry for Development, Entrepreneurship and Craft (Februar – March 2008, 60 hours training programme),
- Preparation and realisation of a study visit to technology parks Nova Gorica, Valles, Barcelona, Lleida and Girona for the Cluster of Plastic Makers based in Gračanica, as well as the technology parks (TP) Zenica and Mostar (in the process of founding) and the Federal Ministry for Development, Entrepreneurship and Craft,
- Preparation and organising for the II Student conference TECHNO-EDUCA 2008,
Preparations for the internship, planned for the assistants and entrepreneurs, as the accompanying part of the project, with the involvement of international professors at the Master MBA study,
- Preparations for the training for students and professors in domain of technology of laser 3D scanning and rapid production (RP), planned for March 2008 together with Pro-CADD Ljubljana.
- Project proposal by SPARK Holland for the purchase (design) of software for the work of student services at the UNZE,
Project proposal by the Federal Ministry for Development, Entrepreneurship and Craft for the purpose of development of student entrepreneurship, etc,
- Finishing Feasibility Study for development Machine-Tecghnics Centre for suporting Cluster of plastic producers and die-toolmakers in,
- Participation in the State-of-Art report about bussines infrastructure for National Strategy of Bosnia and Herzegovina for period 2008-2013.years,
- Organising Entrepreneurship Conference BDC 2008 together with BSC Zenica.
- Participation on the international conference of Technology parks and Incubators development for JIEE and Asia, ECABIT 2008 in Tambov (Russian Federation, November, 2008)
Joining in the network of entrepreneurship centres of Europe with University of Gelsenkirchen as a leader
- Cooperation with BSC Zenica in the realisation of Academy of Entrepreneurship and Contents of best entrepreneurial ideas,
- Help for students for realisation the best entrepreneurial ideas and solutions etc.