In 2007 University in Zenica (UNZE) applied to the EU Tempus Office with a project proposal together with the Polytechnic University of Torino (Politecnico di Torino), Primorska University from Kopar (Univerza na Primorskem Koper), World University Service of BiH (SUS BiH) and the BiH Ministry of Civil Affairs (MCP). The project was approved, so that end of 2007 the project implementation on the establishment and work of the ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND INNOVATION CENTRE AT THE UNZE (CIP UNZE) started. It is important to point out that the establishment of such a Centre was also announced in the document on Strategy Development of the UNZE, which was adopted at the session of the University Senate in 2006. Within the procedures and the list of activities of this largest Tempus JEP project (Tempus JEP-Joint European Project No. 41108), in which the UNZE has participated so far, it was planned to draft a feasibility study of the Entrepreneurship and Innovation Centre. Such a feasibility study is fully in compliance with the procedures of introducing new units in the organisational structure of the UNZE. Therefore, this feasibility study presents the main guidelines and the scope of work, participants in the implementation of the work activities, planned activities and the importance of the Centre in the future work of the UNZE.
The main activities of the Entrepreneurship and Innovation Centre (CIP) UNZE are:
- Promotion of innovation and entrepreneurship among students and teaching staff,
- Organising of or participation in organising conferences, consultancies, internships (workshops), fairs, etc.
- Cooperating role between the University and the job market, related to the creation and development of the new teaching plans and programmes,
- Development of innovative and entrepreneurial activity within the student corpus through writing of seminar papers and graduation thesis, needed by the economy in the region,
Assistance in developing research for master and doctoral thesis which are needed by the economy in the region and in BiH,
- Promotion of international cooperation on a project and programme basis,
- Writing of business plans of interest for the economic development and establishment of innovative companies through development of prototypes,
- Promotion and development of information and communication technologies (IKT) as an important segment of innovation in teaching, scientific and research work,
- Multimedia presentations and seminars with different subjects as an addition to the content of the existing bachelor and master studies,
Development support programmes to the spin-off and spin-out companies within the academic community, and the assistance to the SME region toward stronger business growth and development,
- Assistance in organising of SME clusters and technology transfer from the developed countries
The Entrepreneurship and Innovation Centre UNZE defines its mission in close cooperation and implementation of joint programmes and projects with the Business Start-Up Centre Zenica, Local and Regional Development Agencies – ZEDA and REZ, Business Service Centre (BSC) of the Cantonal Government, Business Incubator Zenica and Business Incubator Vitez. The CIP will be mostly oriented towards younger academic population which, through its work in the Centre, should acquire experience and references for their involvement in more advanced organisational units of the UNZE. Moreover, the CIP should also be a meeting point for the experienced staff and for those who are at the beginning of their scientific and professional career.
As a result of the international Tempus project application, the CIP UNZE will always be oriented towards international projects and cooperation with international partners, such as:
- Business Incubator of the Primorska University in Kopar;
- I3P Incubator of the Polytechnic University in Torino;
- Technology Park in Nova Gorica;
- Technology Park in Maribor;
- Prekomurski Business Incubator;
- Technology Park in Barcelona;
- Technology park Valles;
- Scientific and technology Park in Girona, etc.
Centar za inovativnost i preduzetništvo je prva stepenica u načno-stručnom profilisanju kadrova za rad na većim i ozbiljnijim NIR projektima, mjesto promocije studentskog i nastavničkog viđenja inovativnosti i preduzetništva, mjesto sinergije i susretanja poslodavaca, studenata i nastavnika, sa ciljem razvoja inovativnosti i preduzetništva u svim sferama djelatnosti.